Fastest Dog Breeds

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We all know we can’t outrun our dogs; we just wouldn’t dare. In fact, most of us believe there is no domestic creature that our dogs can’t catch if they decide to chase.

Yes, dogs are really fast, but do you know how fast they truly are? Do you also know that some dog breeds are much faster than others?

If you didn’t, then we urge you to keep reading, as we will be using this page to list the fastest dog breeds known to man.

Before we get into the list, let us first understand what makes these speedsters go.

It would interest you to know that most of the fastest dogs on Earth have almost the same physique. This includes long legs and slim (or slender bodies). These dogs have gone through centuries of development and have been used to hunt for thousands of years!

These breeds are usually full of energy and they depend on a lot of exercises to remain physically and mentally stimulated. So if you plan to own one, then prepare yourself, as these dogs will take you on a ride!

Hussein Bolt, the Olympic gold medalist and world’s fastest man is, well, pretty fast, but his speed seems like a child’s play when compared to the speed of the Greyhound, which is the fastest dog breed in the world.

Bolt recorded his fastest speed at 45 km/h (28 mph). The greyhound on the other hand can go as fast as 72 km/h (45 mph) without breaking a sweat!

The greyhound breed resembles the Saluki and Sloughi breeds and it is also a herding dog. They have their origins from the Celts in Eastern Europe.

The greyhound is a gentle, yet very smart breed. They have the most powerful sprinting legs you can find on any dog breed. They are also characterized by a slender frame, a deep chest, and a flexible spine that helps them maneuver through the wind and reach a mind-blowing speed of 72 km/h.

Guess what? They only need about 6 strides to reach top speed! That’s about 30 meters (98 feet).

Are you thinking of getting a greyhound? Yeah, its features are amazing. But don’t make your decision just yet, as there are many other fast-running dogs out there, some more common than others.

That being said, we think it’s time we lay out our list of the fastest dog breeds.

Fastest Dog Breeds