Featured Breeds

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Sheep Dog Breeds

You don’t need to own sheep or other livestock to love the wonderful dogs that fit into the sheepdog or herding breeds category. On our...

Police Dog Breeds

Police dogs instantly command respect. While they are generally sociable and affectionate animals, they are also highly intelligent, with great physical endurance, power, and...

Latest Articles

Dog Chewing Everything: Why and How to Stop

Man's best friend can sometimes be a pain in the neck, or your shoes, or any other thing they can playfully sink their teeth...

Dog Howling – Why and What You Can Do

Dogs have several means of passing messages, including whining, barking, growling, and of course, howling. Dogs can howl for a good number of reasons, and...

Healthy And Tasty Homemade Dog Food Recipes 

If you want to give your pooch a real treat, why not try whipping them up some homemade meals? We have sniffed out some...

How to Feed Our Dogs

Most dogs love to eat. And mealtime can be a fantastic way of building that special bond with your pooch. But just like humans, every...

Feeding Senior Dogs

What Should We Feed Our Aging Dogs? As our canine companions get older, their eating habits and dietary needs can change. Generally, aging dogs will...

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