
About Gina

Check out Gina, the delightful 1-year-old Standard Poodle! Gina is not only smart but also has a great sense of humor and a taste for adventure. She thrives on exploring new things and is always up for a fun-filled day. One of Gina’s standout qualities is her exceptional compatibility with other dogs. She gets along wonderfully with her furry friends and knows how to make lasting connections. Additionally, she absolutely adores kids and has a special place in her heart for their playful energy and affection. Gina’s ideal day includes running freely in a yard, visiting the dog park for some socialization, and ending the day by snuggling up on the couch with her loved ones. She would thrive in a family environment that already has another dog and children between the ages of 10 and 15. If you’re interested in fostering or adopting Gina, please make sure to apply first. This will allow the organization to assess the compatibility between Gina and your home, ensuring a successful and happy placement. Don’t miss the opportunity to welcome this wonderful companion into your family!

My Information

Breed Standard Poodle Gender Female
Location Fort Lauderdale, FL Age Young
Size Large Adoption Fee


Fort Lauderdale, FL

(954) 709-7997


My Details


Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Brave, Protective, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Couch potato, Dignified, Quiet, Loves Kisses

Coat length





Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.

Good in a home with

Other dogs, cats, children, other animals.

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