Sugar Plum

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About Sugar Plum

“Greetings! My name is Sugar Plum, and I can assure you that I am equally as charming in person, if not more so. You need not continue your search, as I am confident that I am the ideal companion for you. I will serve as the finest friend you have ever had! With my fun-loving and sweet disposition, we will share many delightful experiences together. Furthermore, I possess intelligence and obedience, ensuring that I will undoubtedly impress your friends when you present me to them. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet you!”

My Information

Name Sugar Plum Gender Female
Birth 2024-10-19 Age
Breed Golden Retriever Price $1,495.00


Address:   Dalton , OH

Available Time:   2024-12-14

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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