
About Rachel

Hi there! My name is RACHEL, and I’d love to be your new best friend! I think I’m pretty cute—do you think so too? Get ready for some puppy kisses, because I’ll definitely come and lick your face! I adore playing with toys, tug of war, and chasing balls, so I promise to keep you entertained for hours. If you’re planning a vacation, I’d be thrilled to join you—camping or hiking sounds like so much fun! If that doesn’t work, I can behave with a sitter. Oh, and I might have a little fear, but I’ll be an excellent guard dog! Do you think I’d be the perfect addition to your family? I sure do, because I’m all about having a good time and going on new adventures!

My Information

Name Rachel Gender Female
Birth 2024-09-03 Age
Breed Cocker Spaniel Price $1,500.00


Address:   Baltic , OH

Available Time:   2024-11-15

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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