
About Polly

Looking to fall in love with a loyal companion? Meet these charming Belgian Malinois puppies. Brought up in a family setting, these adorable pups enjoy daily doses of love and affection from children. They delight in play, running, and showering kisses on everyone they meet. Their parents, Portie and Popeye, are beloved family members. Vet-checked and vaccinated, each puppy is primed for a new journey with you. Excited to meet you and kickstart a new chapter together! Reach out today to explore further about your prospective best friend!

My Information

Name Polly Gender Female
Birth 2024-06-25 Age
Breed Belgian Malinois Price $950.00

Contact:   717-824-1398

Address:   Honey Brook, PA

Available Time:   2024-08-22

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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