
About Melody

Step into the world of Melody, the adorable and affectionate Bernese Mountain Dog puppy on a quest to find her forever home. With a heartwarming personality perfect for children, Melody is set to become a cherished companion in your family. Ensuring her well-being, she is kept up to date on all wellness check-ups and vaccinations, accompanied by a one-year genetic health guarantee. Weighing 100 lbs., her mother bears the registration number 30534. Contact the breeder today to schedule a meeting with Melody and open your doors to a lifetime of love and companionship.

My Information

Name Melody Gender Female
Birth 2024-07-30 Age
Breed Bernese Mountain Dog Price $1,495.00

Contact:   717-584-4111

Address:   Oxford, PA

Available Time:   2024-09-26

My Breed Characteristics

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