
About Mariah

Mariah, the Labrador Retriever, is a gentle soul who adores affection and being cherished. With a calm and relaxed demeanor, she exhibits promising qualities of a skilled hunting companion, showing a natural inclination towards retrieving. Mariah is now seeking her forever home, ready to bring her unique blend of love and talent into your life. Don’t miss the chance to meet Mariah and witness her special qualities firsthand. Schedule a meeting today and discover the joy of welcoming this delightful Labrador Retriever into your family!

My Information

Name Mariah Gender Female
Birth 2024-03-12 Age
Breed Labrador Retriever Price $290.00 Requires a $100.00 deposit.

Contact:   484-889-9491


Available Time:   2024-07-24

My Breed Characteristics

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