
About Kermit

“Hello! I’m Kermit, an adorable Beagle puppy with enchanting puppy eyes, a lovely coat, and a charming personality that makes me a wonderful pet. I have been nurtured and raised in this warm and caring family home, receiving all the love and attention I need. I am current on my vaccination shots and dewormer, ensuring my good health. My parents are Cindy and Tibby. I am a friendly pup who adores attention, especially when playing and exploring with my siblings and the children. I am eagerly anticipating meeting my forever family! Give my human a call today to discover more about me!”

My Information

Name Kermit Gender Male
Birth 2024-07-12 Age
Breed Beagle Price $495.00

Contact:   302-632-5536

Address:   Hartly, DE

Available Time:   2024-09-06

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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