
Home Get a Puppy Gretchen

About Gretchen

Attention, all dog lovers! Meet Gretchen, a dazzling beauty in snow-white attire. This AKC-registered gem hails from a lineage steeped in sweetness and champion blood. With a mother from revered old German lines and a father boasting a Croatian import heritage, Gretchen is primed to be your next loyal companion. Eager to fill your days with love and kisses, she awaits your presence. Waste no time—make your way to meet Gretchen today and welcome her into your loving home!

My Information

Name Gretchen Gender Female
Birth 2024-03-22 Age
Breed German Shepherd Dog Price $600.00

Contact:   979-319-0969

Address:   Garwood, TX

Available Time:   2024-10-09

My Breed Characteristics

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