
About Georgia

Behold Georgia, an adorable Pug puppy who is being raised in a loving family environment with children, ensuring she is well-socialized. Georgia has received comprehensive veterinary care, including a thorough check-up, up-to-date vaccinations, and deworming. With a 30-day health guarantee provided by the breeder, you can have peace of mind knowing Georgia is healthy and cared for. Additionally, she has the option to be registered with the ACA, showcasing her breed’s lineage. If you’re interested in learning more about this energetic and delightful pup, don’t hesitate to contact the breeder today to gather further details!

My Information

Name Georgia Gender Female
Birth 2024-05-08 Age
Breed Pug Price $875.00

Contact:   717-892-9450

Address:   Leola, PA 17540

Available Time:   Available Now

My Breed Characteristics

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