
About Frank

Here comes the absolutely adorable Corgi puppy named Frank – a delightful bundle of joy with a heartwarming presence that’s sure to capture your heart! Frank’s mesmerizing fur is a lush blend of fluffy tan and white, creating a coat that’s irresistibly soft to the touch. His expressive round eyes sparkle with endless curiosity, always eager to explore the world around him. Despite his petite stature, Frank exudes a confident, charming personality, strutting with an endearing waddle that instantly melts the hearts of everyone he meets. This little ball of energy has a true penchant for playfulness, with perky ears standing at attention, ready to catch every sound that fills his environment. Frank is so much more than just a puppy – he’s a pint-sized companion overflowing with love and boundless enthusiasm, guaranteed to brighten every single day with his infectious spirit. Don’t miss your chance to come meet this precious Corgi and welcome him into your life today!

My Information

Name Frank Gender Male
Birth 2024-03-20 Age
Breed Pembroke Welsh Corgi Price $775.00

Contact:   330-260-2328

Address:   Dundee, OH

Available Time:   Available Now

My Breed Characteristics

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