
About Cooper

Introducing Cooper, a sociable Portuguese Water Dog puppy raised in a family environment with children. This inquisitive fellow is eager to embark on countless adventures by your side. Cooper has undergone a vet check and is current on vaccinations and deworming, with the added assurance of a 1-year genetic health guarantee provided by the breeder. Additionally, Cooper is eligible for AKC registration. You can even meet his mother, who is a cherished member of the breeder’s family. For more information about this exceptional pup, reach out to the breeder today and discover all the wonderful qualities Cooper has to offer!

My Information

Name Cooper Gender Male
Birth 2024-09-17 Age
Breed Portuguese Water Dog Price $1,800.00

Contact:   717-725-9005

Address:   Narvon, PA

Available Time:   Available Now

My Breed Characteristics

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