
About Cole

“Hi there! Am I just the cutest? I’m a Jack Russell Terrier with the softest coat you can imagine! Trust me, the pictures don’t do me justice! I’m well socialized and absolutely love playing with kids. I was born on November 7th, 2024, and I’m ready to join my forever home! I’m up to date on all my shots, dewormed, and vet-checked to ensure I’m healthy. I do have a small pinpoint hernia, but I promise to fill your home with love and joy! If you’d like more information or want to meet me, just call or text my human. I can’t wait to find my forever family!”

My Information

Name Cole Gender Male
Birth 2024-11-07 Age
Breed Russell Terrier Price $400.00


Address:   Millersburg , OH

Available Time:   2025-01-02

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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