
About Berry

Introducing Berry, a healthy and charming AKC registered Siberian Husky puppy! She is up to date on all age-appropriate vaccinations and dewormings and is projected to grow to approximately 50-60 pounds. Berry captures the sweet, loyal, and playful essence of her breed, making her an ideal addition to any household. Her playful spirit will provide endless entertainment, while her affectionate demeanor ensures she will become a beloved member of your family. If you’re ready for a wonderful companion, Berry is eager to meet you!

My Information

Name Berry Gender Female
Birth 2024-12-03 Age
Breed Siberian Husky Price $800.00 Requires a $200.00 deposit.


Address:   Burnsville , NC

Available Time:   2025-01-28

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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