
About Bentley

Get ready for some fun with these fluffy, friendly Yorkshire Terrier puppies! They’re all set to bounce into your life and become your best buddies! With their irresistible faces and delightful personalities, they’re sure to charm you. Each puppy is up-to-date on vaccinations and has been vet-checked. Spoiled with love since birth, they adore playful games and are eager to join in the fun with you and your family! Their mom is on-site for you to meet during your visit. Call today to reserve your new furry friend!

My Information

Name Bentley Gender Male
Birth 2024-09-10 Age
Breed Yorkshire Terrier Price $995.00


Address:   New Providence , PA

Available Time:   2024-11-25

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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