
About Bella

Behold Bella, your future furry friend! This charming female Jack Russell Terrier was born on October 22, 2024, and is ready to fill your home with warmth and joy. Bella comes from AKC-registered, European-imported rough coat parents known for their excellent health. She’s been dewormed biweekly, vaccinated, microchipped, and vet-checked, ensuring she’s in perfect health. Bella is well-socialized, comes with a health guarantee, an AKC DNA profile, and a puppy starter kit. Plus, we offer delivery across the U.S. This holiday season, let Bella be the sweet companion you’ve been dreaming of!

My Information

Name Bella Gender Female
Birth 2024-10-22 Age
Breed Russell Terrier Price $800.00


Address:   Broken Bow , OK

Available Time:   2024-12-17

My Breed Characteristics

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