
About Alisha

Those adorable Jack Russell puppies are bundles of joy, ready to steal your heart with their charming personalities and heart-melting eyes. Playful and affectionate, they love to cuddle and will quickly become loyal companions. Raised in a loving home and played with daily, they are eager for hours of fun, whether it’s a game of fetch or tug-of-war. Despite their small size, they are adventurous and enjoy long walks and errands. Their gentle nature makes them great with children, and they adapt well to loving environments. With their infectious energy and bubbly personalities, every moment with them is a delight. Their mother, a beautiful family pet, is on-site, and the father is a fluffy Jack Russell. These puppies will be up to date on shots, dewormed, and vet-checked, making them perfect companions for any loving home. Get ready for countless adventures and cherished memories with these lovable pups!

My Information

Name Alisha Gender Female
Birth 2024-10-10 Age
Breed Russell Terrier Price $475.00


Address:   Spring Mills , PA

Available Time:   2024-12-05

This puppy has been sold out.

My Breed Characteristics

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