
About Boris

Boris is a lovable 4-month-old, 24 lb Lab mix. He is so excited to see you every morning and will cover you with doggy kisses and snuggles! Boris is very food motivated and picks things up quickly! After playing with his siblings all he wants to do is nap in his crate. He is wee wee pad trained and will sleep throughout the night in his crate. If your family is looking for a medium energy pup, then Boris just might be for you! Boris is currently being fostered in Staten Island, NY and his adoption fee is $500. Take a chance on Boris and he will pay you back with a lifetime of love and loyalty!

My Information

Breed Labrador Retriever & Pit Bull Terrier Mix Gender Male
Location Staten Island, NY Age Puppy
Size Medium Adoption Fee


Staten Island, NY

(646) 397-5527


My Details


Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.

Good in a home with

Other dogs.

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